About Us
Who Are We
SUSTAIN Enviro-Consulting ltd strives to find solutions for the growing environmental problems, devise sustainable development projects, advise on sustainable livelihoods and eco-friendly water, energy, agricultural and infrastructural development projects. We are dedicated to guide, advice and serve our clients on sustainable development with the aim of maintaining biodiversity, conserving ecological sensitive areas and environment at large, and improving the lives of people at the same time. We endeavor to successfully influence Government, communities, and organizations across Somaliland and the region in general with systems and processes towards environmental, social and economic best practices.
Our Vision
An effective and efficient Environmental consulting company that integrates development aspects with environment conservation, and promotes eco-friendly and sustainable livelihoods.
Our Mission
To provide professional environmental and natural resource management services to clients through participatory approaches for better management of environment and natural resource to ensure sustainable development.
Work Principles
- Maintain a highly effective integrated team of core experts in the field with a reputation for excellence.
- Emphasize on sustainability and equitable development.
- Have up to date knowledge on existing and emerging development processes and how to successfully move them along while safeguarding environment.
- Place a culture of synergism in all aspect of work
- Work closely with governments, NGOs, the private sector and communities to achieve sustainable solutions and counteract emerging environment menaces.
- Place an important value on biodiversity and equitable resource use for all people Respect cultural diversity
Professional Services
Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Geophysical assessment
Land Use and Urban planning
Waste management and Environmental remediation
Sustainable livelihoods
Climate change and Resilience Building
Soil and Water Conservation
Natural Resource Management(NRM)
Biodiversity Assessment/conservation
Sustainable development
Core Values
Professional Ethics: We endeavor to exercise and promote the ethical principles of fairness, justice, respect for all people, fidelity, beneficence, do no harm policy and veracity in all our work and amongst our staff to uphold integrity and the highest standards of professional responsibility.
Accountability: We promote interventions and investments that are prudent and aim to deliver the greatest positive change for the greatest number of people, on the foundations of transparency, value for resources, relevance, sustainability, and other recognized tenets of accountability.
Environmental Sustainability: We emphasize more on sustainably using resources and safeguarding fragile ecosystems.
Good service quality: Provision of good professional services guided by the optimum equality, social justice and environmental stewardship with highest professional excellence.
Legal Document
The company is registered and licensed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Republic of Somaliland as Environmental consulting company that provides range of environmental related consultancy services including Environment and Social Impact assessment (ESIA), Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Auditing and Natural Resource Management. Also it is a member of Somaliland Chamber of Trade, Industry and Agricultural, and has recommendation from Ministry of Environment and Rural development of Republic of Somaliland.
Human Resource
The company accommodates pool of experts in various fields particularly in Natural resource management, environment and development who have extensive experience in Somali context and Horn of Africa region at large.
Would you like to start a project with us?
Our service quality: Provision of good professional services guided by the optimum equality, social justice and environmental stewardship with highest professional excellence.